03 July 2011

Flash Cards

I have always been a big fan of flashcards. For me they are a great way to learn vocabulary and sentences. For my current text book I have a few options.  The HSK Flashcard website has sets of flashcards for New Practical Chinese Reader, Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì, Integrated Chinese and other texts. The cards are in a variety of formats such as; Excel, PDF, Pleco, etcetera. I had a set for NPCR 1 printed and use them fairly regularly.

I also use several Apps for iPad and iPod. However, my favourite flashcard website is Quizlet. This website has many premade flashcards on a very wide variety of topics and languages.  You can make your own custom set and add images. One of the best features is that it will read the virtual card to you. It works very well for reading 汉字 and pinyin.  I have modified several sets for my own learning.  But wait there is more. There are several games for studying and you can generate tests. So overall it is a great way to learn and test your skills. Quizlet works very well on PC and iPad. 

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