Trimester one is over for 2012. Trimester two begins in two weeks. Now I am now preparing resources to learn New Practical Chinese Reader 3 lessons.
Now that I have finished NPCR 1 and NPCR 2 there are no ready made hanzi practice sheets which I had been getting from this site Chinese Character Writing Exercise Sheets
I have also been creating my own customised hanzi practice sheets from Hanlexon which has some very good features. I wrote about this site nearly a year ago Hanzi Practice Sheets
A few months ago I bought a subscription to Hanzi Grids. Hanzi Grids has some very nice features to customised create PDFs. Very easy to use copy and paste your hanzi then choose the size, font, opacity and create the sheets.
Hanzi Practice Sheets II
I also found several plain grids here from several sites
One that I recently made Free CML Blank Hanzi Worksheet
书写练习纸Writing Exercise Sheet
汉字练习纸 Chinese Character Writing Sheet
Character Practice Grid
Blank Grid for Hanzi Practice
Chinese Character Worksheet
If you have a need to make a customised blank grid Chinese Character Guide (X style) PDF Generator
A free flash card program called ZDT also allows you to print practice sheets.