06 July 2012

Skritter + Wacom Tablet = Faster Hanzi Learning

Just over a month ago I bought two new Chinese learning resources. These are a subscription to Skritter and a Wacom Touch Tablet.

   += Faster Hanzi Learning

Things I like about learning with Skritter:

  • Keeps me interested and motivated 
  • Allows me to track progress and time spent learning 
  • Makes learning Hanzi enjoyable 
  • Allows me to focus on words I need or want to learn 
  • Integrates with MDBG allows lookups and adding 
  • Allows me to add new words from websites with one click 
  • Helps me revise 
  • Gives a sense of satisfaction and achievement 
  • Has ready made sets of vocabulary for NPCR texts 
  • Can work on computer or iPad 
  • iPad App allows offline practice and syncs when connected Am able to use my Wacom tablet to write hanzi with a pen
  • Plus many more reasons to use Skritter
The Wacom tablet allows me to write hanzi with a tablet pen. I feel that this to be better than writing with a mouse. I can also use the tablet to write hanzi in Evernote, Windows journal, Photoshop and other programmes that use ‘Ink’ input.

The only disadvantage the tablet is quite sensitive and I feel it makes my hanzi 不好看Bù hǎokàn (unattractive) Looking at my sample tablet written hanzi below I think you will agree. 

我的汉字不好看。Wǒ de hànzì bù hǎokàn. 

Still it gives me satisfaction to be able to use technology to learn and practice hanzi.

I am interested to know how others are using Skritter. It is has many features and I am not sure that I have found them or use them all yet. I know that Skritter is a very popular hanzi learning tool. I wonder how many people are using it?

It would be good to know if anyone else is using a tablet to hand write hanzi on computers.

Does anyone use iPads for hand writing hanzi? I have not been able to find a satisfactory App to do this properly.


  1. I haven't implemented this setup yet, but I am in week 5 of self-study (chinese with mike on youtube, rosetta stone on pc, and Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar text books) and from looking around, tablet and skritter look like the best way to learn hanzi on your own...

  2. Looks like you have everything you need for your studies. All the best with them. Jonathan S


Thank you for your contibution

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