17 October 2011

In Sync with feeds and emails

For some reason my formal Mandarin learning at UNE and some of my supplementary resources are somewhat synchronised. I subscribe to some feeds and emails that deliver daily Chinese words and phrases. For the past week or more these words and phrases align with the vocabulary of my texts. I find the feeds and emails help me to pick up a quick phrase or be able to practice a new word.

Here are some links to some of the subscriptions and feeds that I am currently getting;

MDBG Vocabulary Feeds All the HSK levels

Chinese Word of the Day

Chinese-Course.com has a daily sentence email 

You can subscribe to my blog Chinese Mandarin Learner

I also subscribe to other blogs and websites of language learners. While these learners are often at a very different level to mine, they are still very useful. Sometimes it is enough to know that others are on the same learning journey as myself. The other blogs inspire me to learn more.

1 comment:

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